Applet |
Tag |

Module: Logs and pH
Terms for topic: Simulation
File name: demoPhStage.swf |

Module: Serial dilution
Terms for topic: GuidedProblem, MultiScreen, SerialdDlution
File name: SerdilPlatingStage.swf |

Module: The size of things
Terms for topic: GuidedProblem
File name: whats-a-micron.swf |

Module: The size of things
Terms for topic: GuidedProblem, DragScale
File name: WorldMicroStage.swf |

Module: The size of things
Terms for topic: GuidedProblem, DragScale
File name: WorldNanoStage.swf |

Module: The size of things
Terms for topic: Simulation
File name: WhatsANanometerStage.swf |

Module: Log transformations
Terms for topic: Matching
File name: match-the-graphs.swf |

Module: Log transformations
Terms for topic: PointPlacing
File name: Place-the-point-1.swf |

Module: Log transformations
Terms for topic: PointPlacing
File name: Place-the-point-2.swf |

Module: Log transformations
Terms for topic: PointPlacing
File name: Pace-the-poin-3.swf |

Module: Cross sections
Terms for topic: Mouseover
File name: mockup-applet1-bagel.swf |

Module: Cross sections
Terms for topic: Matching
File name: mockup-applet2-bowl.swf |

Module: Corss sections
Terms for topic: Matching
File name: mockup-applet3-tube.swf |

Module: Cross sections
Terms for topic: Matching
File name: mockup-applet4-letter.swf |

Module: Cross sections
Terms for topic: Matching
File name: mockup-applet5-organelle.swf |

Module: Plasmids
Terms for topic: Simulation
File name: startStopGelStage.swf |

Module: Plasmids
Terms for topic: Simulation, PredictTheGel
File name: BuildGelStage.swf |

Module: Plasmids
Terms for topic: Simulation, BuildYourOwnPlasmid
File name: BuildPlasmidStage.swf |

Module: Plasmids
Terms for topic: Simulation, FindTheMissingCut
File name: FillInPlasmidStage.swf |

Module: Plasmids
Terms for topic: FindCuts
File name: RebuildPlasmidStage.swf |

Module: Normal distributions
Terms for topic: SlideGraph, NormalDistribution
File name: DemoNormDistStage.swf |

Module: Normal Distributions
Terms for topic: SlideGraph, CompareTwoNormalDistributions
File name: DemoNormDist2Stage.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth
File name: BankAccounts.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: DrawGraph (linear)
File name: DrawSavingsLInearStage.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: DrawGraph, ExponentialGrowth
File name: DrawSavingsExpStage.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: DrawGraph
File name: DrawFiles.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: SlideGraph, Exponential Growth
File name: CompareSavings.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: DrawGraph, NegativeRate, Linear
File name: DrawNegSavingsLinearStage.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: DrawGraph, ExponentialDecay
File name: DrawNegSavingsExpStage.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: SlideGraph, ExponentialGrowth
File name: ComapreViruses.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, HumanPopulationGrowth
File name: HumanTimeLine.swf |

Module: Exponential Growth and Decay
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrwoth, SlideGraph
File name: HumanPopn.swf |

Module: Missing housefly
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, SlideGraph
File name: ExpGrowthApplet.class??

Module: Missing housefly
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, SlideGraph
File name: MortApple.class?? |

Module: Missing housefly
Terms for topic: LogisticGrowth
File name: BuildLogApplet13.class |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, SlideGraph
File name: GraphExpGrowthDrawStage.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, LogTransformation
File name: GraphLogXFormStage.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, LogTransformation
File name: GraphLogXFormSmallStage.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: LogTransformation
File name: bactGrowthClues1.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: Matching
File name: MatchBacteria.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, SlideGraph
File name: findBactGenTime1.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, SlideGraph
File name: findBactGenTime2.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: Non-ExponentialGrowth, SlideGraph
File name: findBactGenTime3.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, DoublingTime
File name: bactGrowthClues2.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, SlideGraph,
File name: whatIsEStage.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, DoublingTime
File name: YogurtContamTime.swf |

Module: Bacterial growth
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, MultiScreen
File name: ExpGrowthEnds1.swf |
Module: Frank's Football Fiasco
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, DrawGraph
File name: GraphExpGrDrawStage.swf |
Module: Frank's Football Fiasco
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, DragPointGraph
File name: MatchGraph.swf |
Module: Frank's Football Fiasco
Terms for topic: LogTransformation, DragPointGraph
File name: MatchGraphLog.swf |
Module: Frank's Football Fiasco
Terms for topic: LogTransformation, MultiScreen
File name: XFormParabola.swf, XFormLinear.swf, XFormLog.swf, XFormSigmoid.swf |
Module: Frank's Football Fiasco
Terms for topic: PhasesBacterialGrowth, SlideGraph
File name: ShowGrowPhasesBeta.swf |
Module: Frank's Football Fiasco
Terms for topic: LogTransformation, BacterialGrowth, MultiScreen
File name: FindDoubleTime1.swf |
Module: Frank's Football Fiasco
Terms for topic: BacterialGrowth, DoublingTime, DragPointGraph
File name: MatchGraphLog2.swf |

Module: Serial Dilution (Population Dynamics)
Terms for topic: ScalingUp
File name: EasyScale.swf |

Module: Serial Dilution (Population Dynamics)
Terms for topic: SerialDilution, MultiScreen
File name: Demo5Dils.swf |

Module: Serial Dilution (Population Dynamics)
Terms for topic: SerialDilution, MultiScreen
File name: Plan5Dils.swf |

Module: Serial Dilution (Population Dynamics)
Terms for topic: SerialDilution, MultiScreen
File name: CalcDilution.swf |

Module:Experimenting with Meningococci
Terms for topic: GuidedProblem
File name: Experimenting-wtih-meningicocci.swf |

Module: Stage-based models
Terms for topic: SIRModel, GuidedProblem, MultiScreen, Matching
File name: MatchSIR1.swf |

Module: Stage-based models
Terms for topic: DrawGraph
File name: DrawSIR3_S.swf |

Module: Stage-based models
Terms for topic: DrawGraph
File name: DrawSIR3_R.swf |

Module: Stage-based models
Terms for topic: DrawGraph
File name: DrawSIR3_I.swf |

Module: Stage-based models
Terms for topic: SIRModel, Matching, GuidedProblem, Multiscreen
File name: MatchSIR2.swf |

Module: Diffusion
Terms for topic: Simulation, Diffusion
File name: Difus.class??
Courtesy of N. Betancourt |

Module: Enzyme kinetics
Terms for topic: Simulation
File name: app-budget.gif?? |

Module: Enzyme kinetics
Terms for topic: DrawGraph, M-M_Graph
File name: app-draw.gif?? |

Module: Enzyme kinetics
Terms for topic: DragPoint, Transform
File name: app-transform.gif?? |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: GuidedProblem, MultiScreen
File name: CountDandelionsStage.swf |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: RandomNumberGenerator
File name: RanGenVI.swf |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: GuidedProblem, MultiScreen
File name: GraphDandelionsStage.swf |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: CountingMoss, MultiScreen
File name: CountMossStage.swf |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: CountingMoss, Graph, MultiScreen
File name: GraphMossStage.swf |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: EstimateImperviousSurfaces, Graph
File name: ImpervSurfStage.swf |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: Transsect, MultiScreen
File name: CountTranssectStage.swf |

Module: Sampling
Terms for topic: MakeScatterPlot
File name: MakeScatterPlotFishPonds.swf |

Module: Tragedy of the Commons
Terms for topic: MultiScreen
File name: Tragedy.swf |

Module: Tragedy of the commons
Terms for topic: MultiScreen
File name: tragedy_conscience.swf |

Module: Tragedy of the commons
Terms for topic: Self-ScoringQuiz
File name: MagCandy.swf |

Module: Tragedy of the commons
Terms for topic: Self-ScoringQuiz
File name: MagEWaste.swf |

Module: Tragedy of the commons
Terms for topic: GreenhouseGasesQuiz
File name: Mag1.swf |

Module: Acquired immunity
Terms for topic: Simulation, Graph
File name: HoppersNoSpray.swf |

Module: Acquired immunity
Terms for topic: Simulation, Graph
File name: AcqImmunity.swf |

Module: Acquired immunity
Terms for topic: Variability
File name: TenetVary.swf |

Module: Acquired immunity
Terms for topic: Heritability
File name: TenetHery.swf |

Module: Acquired immunity
Terms for topic: SelectionPressure
File name: TenetSelPress.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: StreamOrder
File name: StreamOrderStage.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: DragThuderhead
File name: RainOnWatershedStage.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: DrawWatersheds
File name: wshed1.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: DrawBoundaries
File name: DrawChesWatershedStage.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: ExponentialGrowth, DrawGraph
File name: DrawExpGrowth.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: CountingBacteria
File name: CountBactStage223.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: CountingBacteria
File name: CountBactStage28.swf |

Module: Watersheds
Terms for topic: CountingBacteria
File name: CountBact3Sites.swf |