MathBench > Population Dynamics

Stage-based Models

Comparing Rate-of-Change to Closed Form Equations (again)

Recall that a closed form equation is something like

Y = 3x2 – 9


Y = 4 sin (x-2) + 6

In your math classes, you have learned the canonical forms of lots of different kinds of closed-form equations. You know that a parabola can always be written as something like y = a x2 + bx + c, and a line can always be written as y = mx + b, and something that looks like y = sin (x) will have sinusoidal undulations.

Figuring out what a rate-of-change equation (or system of equations) will look like is a little different. Of course you can always just mechanically iterate the equations. But especially without a computer, this can take a lot of time (!!!), and even with a computer, it won’t allow you to make interesting predictions such as the threshold effect above. So, to analyze a rate-of-change equation (or system of equations), the important steps are:

As you can see, interpreting rate-of-change equations is as much an art as a science, and we’re barely scratching the surface here.