Interpreting the chi-squared test
So, once you know the degrees of freedom (or df), you can use a chi-squared lookup table like the one on the right to show you the chi-squared critical value corresponding to α = 0.05. That's the whole detour summed up in one sentence. Whew. For Dilbert's test, with 1 df , the chi-squared critical value is 3.84, whereas his chi-squared statistic was 0.167. What does critical value mean?
Why do you think the chi-squared critical value increases as the degrees of freedom increase?
(To make this problem interactive, turn on javascript!)
- I need a hint ... : If you have, say, 15 degrees of freedom,
how many rows are in your table?
- ...another hint ... : For every row in the table you need to calculate another deviation.
I think I have the answer: With a lot of degrees of freedom,
you have a lot of rows in your table. Therefore you're adding
more numbers together to get your final chi-squared statistic.
So it makes sense that the critical value also increases.
Fine print: some chi-squared tables have many columns, one for each α value you might be interested in. In that case, you first need to find the 0.05 α value (or any other α value you're asked for), then the df, and then the chi-squared critical value.
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