MathBench > Statistical Tests


The bottom line (finally)

  n average diff (SD) comb. SD
tcalc tcrit (df=7)
Fish-2-Whale 8 267 g 94 g 44 18.5 g 5.1
Generic Brand 8 173 g 28


degrees of freedom
(for p-value = 0.05)
1 12.7
2 4.3
3 3.2
4 2.8
5 2.6
6 2.5
7 2.4
8 2.3
9 2.2
10 2.1
20+ 2.0

Our tcalc showed that the difference between tanks was about 5 times more than the random differences within tanks. And our tcrit showed that anything over 2.4 times would be statistically significant. So... finally, we can say definitively that Fish-2-Whale had a statistically significant effect on fish growth. Time to party!

Once more with gusto: if your tcalc is bigger than your tcrit, your results are statistically significant.