And you thought we were done...
You might have noticed that I was running out of interesting combinations of genotypes to mate. And you probably said, good, the module must be almost over.
Well, not so fast, buddy. I have more tricks up my sleeve. Bigger fish to fry. Or at least, more expansive Punnett Boxes to fill.
We represented the mother's genotype as a (pink) coin with two sides, and the father's as a (blue) coin with two sides. But, of course, there is more to it than that. Mice don't just have vampire fangs vs. normal teeth, they also have
- Straight vs. crooked tails
- Non-flying vs. flying limbs
- Fluffy vs. flat fur
- Mighty muscles vs. non-mighty muscles
- and so on.
OK, I may have made up a few of those, but it's more fun to talk about fluffy red-eyed vampiric mice than yellow peas with wrinkled skin, IMHO.
Copyright University of Maryland, 2007
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