Three tricks division can do
Frequently, in these modules and in your biology classes, you will be asked to make a variety of calculations involving division. No, we're not going to go into doing long division -- you do get to keep your calculator. However, division is still a rather tricky subject, and one that often gets students in trouble. The question is:
What gets divided by what?
Luckily, there's a very simple answer:
It depends.
Specifically, it depends on what you're trying to do with the division. But there are a number of "flavors" of division that I list below -- most of the time, what you're trying to do will fall into one of them.
- Ratios
- Percent, Proportion, or Probability
- Percent Change
We'll go through each of these options. By the end, you should feel confident making a given calculation without consulting your instructor -- and you should also feel confident choosing which calculation fits a given situation.
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