MathBench > Measurement

Logs and pH

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this module you should be able to:

When size matters

As you may have noticed, scientists like to measure things, not just anything they can get their hands on, but also lots of things that are too big to get their hands on, and lots of things that are too small. For example:

too big

too small



solar systems



grains of pollen

enzymeblood cells

E. coli


carbon atoms



What ends up happening is that we need a lot of zeros to express these sizes. For example:

The number of stars in our galaxy = 100,000,000,000 (roughly)

The distance from here to the edge of the universe =
94,608,000,000,000,000,000,000 km (roughly!)

The problem is just as bad when we talk about small things:

The diameter of a red blood cell = 0.000007 m

The mass of a carbon atom = 0.0000000000000000000000199 grams

Obviously these are numbers that are hard to deal with. A red blood cell with a diameter of 0.00007 m instead of 0.000007 m would be 10 times too big to fit through a capillary, yet it's hard to tell the numbers apart by looking at them – and hard to remember how many zeros there are supposed to be in the first place!

Of course one solution to this problem is to use specialised units. For example, we usually talk about the size of the universe in light years, while we express the size of a red blood cell in micrometres. However, these different units make it hard to compare the sizes of things.