..... means that some/all applets need to be ported into as3/cs5
///// means that ALL applets have been ported into as3/cs5
animated log-transformation, graphs with buttons, sliders, sliding points, slope, fill-in-the-derivation, drag and drop
animation with buttons, graphs interact with button animation
draw on graphs, graphs with 2 sliders, graphic with rollover hotspots, multi-screen applet
drag and drop to graph, drag point to get info about graph, draw graph, logtransform (2 graph version)
click to predict graph point by point
click to see graph, drag and drop to graph, drag and drop matching exercise
generate random text, frame-by-frame movie, draw random circles (animated, non-animated), draw histogram with sliders and fish tank
very specialized
animation effects, grid and transsect sampling, graph created from data, draw random circles, draw random moss, generate random numbers, sample impervious surface, drag to create summarized scatterplot
random prob generator, click to see, serial dilution simulations
systems of equations, sliders on graphs, drag and drop equations, draw the time series
magnification, drag and drop
3 magazine quizzes, 3 frame-by-frame movies
draw on map, draw on graph with slider, drag a raining cloud, button driven animation, drop down box